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Home / Resources / Azithromycin Treatment

Azithromycin Treatment

Azithromycin is an antibiotic taken for the treatment of certain sexually transmitted infections.


  • Chinese (Simplified): Azithromycin Treatment (Simplified Chinese) 阿奇霉素


  • French: Azithromycin Treatment (French) Azithromycine

    L’azithromycine est un antibiotique administré par voie orale pour traiter certaines infections transmissibles sexuellement (ITS).

  • Japanese: Azithromycin Treatment (Japanese) アジスロマイシン

    アジスロマイシンは、特定の性感染症(STI)の治療のために経口摂取で服用する抗生 物質です。

  • Korean: Azithromycin Treatment (Korean) 아지트로마이신

    아지트로마이신은 특정 성병(STI)의 치료 목적으로 복용하는 항생제입니다.

  • Punjabi: Azithromycin Treatment (Punjabi)

  • Spanish: Azithromycin Treatment (Spanish) Azitromicina

    La azitromicina es un antibiótico que se toma por vía oral para el tratamiento de ciertas infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS).

  • Vietnamese: Azithromycin Treatment (Vietnamese) (Điều Trị bằng Azithromycin)

    Azithromycin là thuốc trụ sinh uống để điều trị các bệnh lây qua đường tình dục.