A service provided by the BC Centre for Disease Control



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Resource Database

Search downloadable guides and handouts on a variety of sexual health topics. Available in multiple languages.

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SmartSexResource Posters

These posters were developed to increase awareness of SmartSexResource as a provincial resource for people in BC with questions about sexual health.  Each poster is formatted to be printed on 11″ x 17″ or 8.5″ x 11″ paper (sizes indicated below).  These posters can be used in clinics, health centres, community centres, schools, etc. to...

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Make Syphistory! Syphilis Campaign Posters

These posters have been created for the Make Syphistory campaign. The goals of the campaign are to raise health literacy around syphilis and to encourage frequent testing in the target audience (gay, bisexual, queer and other men who have sex with men). The posters are formatted for 11 x 17, and can be downloaded and...

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Herpes: Patient Handout

This 4-page colour booklet summarizes information on herpes symptoms, transmission, testing, and treatment. It also includes support for people getting a new herpes diagnosis. Produced by Clinical Prevention Services at the British Columbia (BC) Centre for Disease Control.

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