There are external condoms (sometimes called “male” condoms) and internal condoms (sometimes called “female” condoms). When used properly, they can prevent many sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy.
A new condom should be used every time you have sex, with each new partner, and when switching from anal to oral or genital penetration. The condom should be applied before sexual contact occurs. Condoms can be used with sex toys.
External Condom
The external condom is made of thin latex that fits snugly over the penis/external genitals. There is a tip at the top to hold ejaculate (cum).
Condoms made of latex or non-latex (ie nitrile, polyurethane and polyisoprene) are highly protective against many STIs. Do not use condoms with the spermicide nonoxynol-9 as it can cause irritation and increase the chance of getting HIV. Lambskin or sheepskin condoms protect against pregnancy, but are not effective for preventing STIs, including HIV. Novelty condoms, such as “edible” condoms, do not offer protection against either STIs or pregnancy.
Some STIs, such as herpes and HPV (which causes genital warts), are passed by skin-to-skin contact. While external condoms provide good protection, they don’t cover all areas, and therefore may not always prevent infection. Dental dams and internal condoms can cover a larger area.
You can buy condoms at most drug stores, corner stores and grocery stores. Sexual health clinics often have free external condoms available to the public.
Internal condom
The internal condom is made from synthetic nitrile, a type of material that is thinner than latex but stronger so less likely to break. It fits inside the vagina/internal genitals or inside the rectum. The internal condom is a good option for people who are sensitive or allergic to latex. It can be useful for those with a sexual partner who has difficulty maintaining erections or have soft erections. It can also be useful for those who need to rest during sex because of long sex sessions, ability, or stamina.
Reasons some people prefer the internal condom:
- It gives more STI protection than the external condom because part of the condom stays outside the body and covers more of the skin around the genitals.
- It can be put into place up to 2 hours before intercourse and it does not need to be taken out immediately after intercourse.
- It can be used for both genital and anal sex. Note that it has not been approved for anal sex (this is considered “off label” use).
- It can be used with any type of lubrication.
- It is not affected by temperature or humidity and has a shelf life of 5 years.
Internal condoms are not widely available at drug stores or grocery stores, but are sold at some specialty sex shops. Internal condoms are more expensive than external condoms, but can be available for free at some sexual health clinics.